Jun 27, 2009


via Shirts&Wifebeaters

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To the Angel Sleeping in My Car (A Road Trip With An Angel.

I watch you sleep. Furtively. It’s only been ten minutes. I’ll wait. Let me be anonymous. Please. The rankle eases better that way. Away from my center. I’ve kept it this long. Safe. What’s a blanket of road? I can wait. Only minutes of refuge. Eternal. My eyes veil the secret I dared. Look only ahead. Another stretch of road. Pain. Ok, maybe a glance? No, patience must hold. Such bitter balm for a wounded. Benediction. Waiting is a sacrament. Soldier on blessed soul. My mind hosts unnamable wars. Pogrom. How can you sleep unaware? I am drowning beside you. Bleeding, I pry open the sanctuary. Lost. Tentatively, I gaze at you again. I catch my breath. Your sight is a dagger that knows its mark. Fatal. My eyes retreat. Afraid to speak that which must not be named. Too late, I have been wounded deep enough. Dying. I behold your wholeness with such longing. For I am broken. Don’t wake now, please, don’t open your eyes. Sleep. Let me drink your flushed skin, your red lips. My happiness. Your feather lashes and your calm brows. Dream. I am a shadow now slowly fading before your light. I am fallen. Let me brush away that stray hair from your eyes. Please. One more glance, one last touch. Hallowed pain. You cannot know, ever. Remain. Let this mortal knowledge not weigh you. My winged one. I have known how this will end. Futile. I am slain in the end. The joke’s on me. God, why did you make a creature so beautiful? Why did you make this desire so forbidden?

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